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East Gate House, East Gate, Ballincollig, Cork


Sale Agreed

*** DEREK DORGAN AUCTIONEER BALLINCOLLIG (021)4871777 (086)0483003 ***

- This property is Zoned Development Land -'Existing Built Up Area '
- Site area extends to Circa 0.86 Acres
- Good Road Frontage
- Situated with a mixture of residential & commercial properties
- Prime location as it is just on the edge of Ballincollig Town and C.7 KM from Cork City
- Folio Number - CK 38137

This property is located on the edge of Ballincollig Town and is surrounded by residential and commercial properties. This site consists of one residential property and two outbuildings/sheds. it is a flat site and contains C.0.86 acres/0.35 Hectares of prime development land which is Zoned ' 'Existing Built Up Area '